African architecture

Ancient African architecture
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Africa | Woman standing in the doorway of a traditionally decored Haussa house. Zinder, Niger | ©Michel Renaudeau
OLD Western Africa, February-April 2005 - Christopher
Sankore Mosque, Timbuktu, Mali
The Bobo-Dioulasso Mud Mosque, Burkina Faso.
The Bobo-Dioulasso Mud Mosque, Burkina Faso. The amazing Mosque in Bobo Burkina Faso. Built using mud and tree trunks the later of which are replaced every few years. They stick out so people can climb them making it easier to reach the top ones. Photo and Description by Gavin Chapman
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The Tiebele house decorations of Burkina Faso, Africa |
The oldest mud and sticks Masjid of Africa in Larabanga, Ghana.
The Bandiagara Cliff in Mali. (Mud architecture in West Africa)
Timbuktu, Mali - Un exemplu superb de arhitectura africana . Exista trei moschee reprezentative si una din cele mai mari colectii de manuscrise antice. #calatorii
Unusual Homes from around the World....
Boroujerdi House - Kashan - IRAN
Larabanga Mosque in #Ghana is one of the oldest mud & stick mosques on the continent #discover #learn