
50 Pins
Arduino Controlled Smart Hydroponic Modular System
We're so impressed with this #arduino project that was designed to be a teaching tool at a school! It's both automated and portable so it can be shared between classrooms! #STEMeducation #PVC #hydroponics #automated #gardening
DIY Induction Heater - Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech Blog
DIY Induction Heater - Hacked Gadgets – DIY Tech Blog
200+ Arduino Projects List For Final Year Students
Best list of arduino project ideas along with sources we have published here. It includes arduino based battery charger, arduino based thermostat and etc..
Arduino Project Hub
Build an FM radio with alarm clock. By Tittiamo.
A DIY Arduino data logger for $10 from 3 components (2014)
diy arduino data logger $10
Faire une barre de progression avec Arduino et LiquidCrystal
Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons réaliser une barre de progression à l'aide de la bibliothèque LiquidCrystal, d'un écran LCD alphanumérique et d'une carte Arduino / Genuino. Nous commencerons d'abord par faire une barre de progression extrêmement simple. Nous ferons ensuite deux autres itérations du code, un peu plus complexe cette fois, afin d'accéder au Saint Graal de la barre de progression.
Water Tank Levels by WiFi on Your Phone
Water Tank Levels by WiFi on Your Phone: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
Clock With Thermometer Using Arduino, I2c 16x2 Lcd, DS1307 RTC and DHT11 Sensor.
Hello! It's been a while I've didn't posted anything on Instructables, but now I made a simple project that I've seen on internet in various forms. I managed to build a code using other codes I've found on internet and I got to say it's working good. For this project you need: - Arduino Uno - 16x2 LCD with i2c module - DS1307 RTC - DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor - a bread board - some wires for connections. As you can see the RTC is homemade because I had a DS1307 chip and a battery ex...