
111 Pins
I wanted it to be like this. Why must I create expectations? Why must my trust be broken? I wanted love that was free, not a cage. -Tahlia B
"...people are oceans...You cannot know them from their surface." (It was never based on your outward appearnance, but from what I knew in my heart, and how you treated me, which was not very compassionate at all, despite who you claim to be spiritually. Jus' sayin'...) ~ETS #depth #divedeep #neverbesuperficial
Alison A. Malee (@alison.malee) on Instagram: “reminder.”
It's absolutely terrifying to let someone in, to let them see the darkest corners of your soul. The reasons why you cry and why they make you happy. It's absolutely terrifying because they might run away with your secrets and never give them back.