inspirujące rozwiązania architektoniczne

projekty, realizacje które mnie poruszają
307 Pins
9 Sections
cottagetuin | projecten | Chris Ghyselen - tuinarchitect
cottagetuin | projecten | Chris Ghyselen - tuinarchitect
Dishfunctional Designs - Broken China Jewelry
Dishfunctional Designs: The Upcycled Garden Volume 9 - Creative Garden Ideas - May 2018
Ukryj się w ogrodzie- Szczecin – Projekty Ogrodów i ogrody Szczecin
Private garden with corten steel hearth. #Gardens, #Garden Design, #Landscape #Design, #Gardening, #Tuinen, #Jardin, #Modern gardens, #Formal gardens, 庭, trädgård, #花园, #hage, #hortus, #giardino, сад, haver, #ogród, #κήπος, #jardim, #Bāgh, #bahçe, #garten
New products and trends in architecture and design
This LED-handrall from LECCOR features a rectangular stainless steel profile (Daidalos® U-Profile 60x40 mm, L304 / L316, glass beaded, polished or powder-coated) and provides a continuous light output which is protected by polycarbonate /...
Walled Gardens and Whimsy
My husband found this mirror and I knew exactly where I wanted it. I love the whimsy it adds to our garden. #adelightsomelife #gardenwhimsy #cottagegarden #roses #mirror #mirrorinthegarden