natura pejzaże......

30 Pins
16 Absolutely Breathtaking Photos Of The Northern Lights Taken In Scotland And The North Of England
<b>The Aurora Borealis lit up the UK last night, and it was beautiful.</b>
Save The Planet
Blue Aurora Borealis ~ a reminder of the powerful blue energy of the buddha Aksobhya More
WOW!! Eight Rainbows...what a phenomenal! Seen in Lehigh Valley, PA
Glacier Icebergs, Svalbard |
Glacier icebergs, Svalbard, Norway | Patrick J Endres
colorful auroras | northern lights
just the idea that the world creates this type of splendor makes my skin rise with passion and my eyes well with tears of gratitude...
Start A Fire
Walk on the wild side today: Wear a wrinkled shirt, memorize a short poem or write yourself a love letter. Try a flavor of ice cream you’ve never had before, deliberately meet someone who seems different then you, smile at complete strangers, say “yes” to someone expecting a “no,” listen to a different radio station. Look for opportunities and then be open to exploring the unfamiliar. When you shake things up a little, your perceptions begin to shift and when that happens, you begin to see new p