166 Pins
Happy Valentinstag!
Hallo Ihr Lieben! Mit einem Herzchen-Layout wünsche ich Euch heute einen schönen Valentinstag :)
157 Likes, 11 Comments - @steffiried on Instagram: “✨the #moodgirls are back with a new magical Christmas moodboard✨ created by the sweet…”
You Are My Sunshine - mit dem Julikit der SBW
You Are My Sunshine - mit dem Julikit der SBW - Scrap Sweet Scrap
5 Photos Layout by Steffi Ried
HAPPY NOVEMBER! I can't even believe 2017 is almost over! Feels like yesterday that it was January... anyway :) I'm looking forward to this...
Hey Baby
hello everyone, just a really quick and short post… i am off to work now! i made my first layout with the scraptastic club kit from march “sweet child o´mine” and the boy addOn th…
Scrap Sweet Scrap
Steffi Ried Details vom Layout *LOVE* #scrapbookwerkstatt #scrapbooking #cratepaper #maggieholmes #steffiried #embellishements
Le lift du mois {by Anne, Gwen, Opsite}
Inspiration Création Blog: Le lift du mois {by Anne, Gwen, Opsite}
Guten Morgen ihr Lieben, heute schneie ich nur schnell mit einem Tipp und einem Layout vorbei. Habt ihr schon den Saturday Sketch von Felicity Jane entdeckt!? Nein, dann schaut doch mal auf dem Fel…
pretty paper. true stories. {and scrapbooking classes with cupcakes.}
Confetti Pockets:: A Scrapbook Tutorial by Stephanie Bryan - pretty paper. true stories. {and scrapbooking classes with cupcakes.}