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Material & Werkzeug - Etsy.de
Kostenlose Anleitung: Bau einen Tannenbaum aus Ästen, Weihnachtsbaum to go / free diy tutorial: easy christmas tree made of branches via DaWanda.com
crocheting a bookmark owl - how it's done
Crochet instruction - Bookmark owl "Minchen" ༺✿ƬⱤღ http://www.pinterest.com/teretegui/✿༻
Mod Circles - Felt wall hanging Trio
Finished custom order. Made with wool-blend felt, handstitched together on grosgrain ribbon. Light Brown, Copper, Pumpkin Spice, Copper, Moss, Robin's Egg Blue, Mellow Yellow. Each wall hanging measures 21" (53.3cm) long, and 3" (8cm) at its widest.
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Set of two felt owl bookmarks in red and yellow. $24.00, via Etsy.
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back to school/ Felt bookmark with a red heart /felt Heart /f elt toy/ gift for child / Ready to Ship. $11.00, via Etsy.
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Felt bookmark with a pink heart /back to school/felt by Marywool
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