
186 Pins
Uważność w pracy - sposób, aby podnieść satysfakcję z tego, co robisz - Gosia Zimniak - ilustracje i infografiki
Uważność (albo inaczej mindfulness) to „bycie tu i teraz” z pełną świadomością i zaangażowaniem, to docenianie i celebrowanie chwili obecnej. Taka uważność ma wiele korzyści w codziennym życiu. Może podnieść również jakość naszej pracy i sprawić, że to, co robimy będzie dawało nam więcej zadowolenia i satysfakcji....
30 Date Night Ideas Married Couples Love - Natural Beach Living
30 Date Night Ideas Married Couples Love, Cheap date night ideas at home, date night ideas for young couples, Keeping the fun and love in your relationship
Here's a list of 50 positive ways to cope with negative feelings. It's important to use healthy coping strategies when we're sad, angry, or hurt.
40 Fun Things To Do This Weekend (Without Screens)
Discover 100 ways to relax, de-stress and rejuvenate yourself without screens after a long day at work for under $10.
Start A Fire
10 Daily ways to reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness and self-compassion…
Take the 30 Day Happiness Challenge! — Apostrophe S Greetings
Take the 30 Day Happiness Challenge! Easy ways to feel happier and enjoy life.
The Best 52 Week Reading Challenge Everyone Will Love - Natural Beach Living
An Epic Reading Challenge Everyone Will Love, 52 Weeks of book ideas perfect for yourself, your family, or a book club. Take the time to enjoy reading again, free printable
Your complete go-to list when you need help finding a self-care practice to…
25+ Self Care Ideas for Bad Days
When bad days strike, it's nice to have a list of self care ideas you can pull out to help make things a little better, or even to proactively keep up with self care so you feel better in general. Here are 25 self care ideas for bad days. Feel free to bookmark this page for future reference!
World Reading Challenge: Books Around The Globe 2018 - Tale Away
Laten we op reis gaan naar verschillende landen door boeken!