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One day... When I actually make it to the birth part of Motherhood I want to have this song be the background for one of our little wonder's birth story.
you're so fuckin special. i wish i was special... but i'm a creep. im a weirdo. what the hell am i doing here? i dont belong here. Domain is for sale at Domain Hub Dot Com I know the band, I know the song but there's something about reading those words on their own. Goosebumps. It's the difference between music then and music now. It all began with Led Zep.
Guns 'N Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine - song lyrics, song quotes, songs, music lyrics, music quotes,
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Take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty - Paradise City - Guns N' Roses
Contrary to the popularity of Pompeii ( although it is a fantastic song) this has to be. My favorite
Creep - Radiohead. -- hey kids, we used to have really good rock music before you millennials killed it with your Pop.