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Curso corte e custura
Fature alto trabalhando com costura, 5 mil reais seguindo nosso método --> Clique 2x no vídeo ❤ . .#auladecostura #costurinhas #costureira #costurando #costurafacil #modelagem #overlok #vemcosturarcomigo #cursodecostura #costurice #costura #costureira #costurando #customizacao #costurafacil #costuracriativa. #costuracriativa #costura #artesanato #dicasdecostura #maquinadecostura
sewing hacks
In this sewing hacks board you can find and learn about different types of sewing tips, tricks and easy to follow sewing tutorials.hope you can learn and enjoy this sewing hack board.
Sewing and Handicrafts
Sewing & Handicraft Projects for Homeschoolers- The big list of patterns, projects, and ideas for sewing and handicrafts
린넨 야생화 자수 치마...군산자수수강
여귀가방 쌍둥이들이예요~~~ 패키지가 안 되시는 분들이 완제로 문의하셔서 이번달 내내 여귀만 수 논거 같...
이렇게 내가 만든 #가죽손잡이 달아주니 더 흐믓하다! #자수가방#핸드메이드 by lucia. | Embroidery bags, Ribbon embroidery, Silk ribbon embroidery
이렇게 내가 만든 #가죽손잡이 달아주니 더 흐믓하다! #자수가방#핸드메이드 by lucia.:
Mychiko method
VOL.3 This is a SASHIKO cloth, stitched quite finely. It took over 30 hours to be done in net. You can do if only you are patient, and you can get the content. Sometimes I feel that only the TIME leads us to the completion. SASHIKO tells me what is the valuables. Now I can say that I am really happy to meet SASHIKO in my life!