College prep

16 Pins
Here's How to Stay on Top of Your Assignments - Living the Gray Life
College. It seems like one minute I have my life together, all my assignments are in order, and everything’s going well. Then the next minute I have five papers due, three tests to study for, and seven blog posts to write all in one week. Ok yes that may be …
When you fear that your Homeschooled Teen is BEHIND – Its Not That Hard to Homeschool
Character-Building Books for High School Students
College Preparation for the Homeschooled Teen: How to Ensure They will Succeed – Its Not That Hard to Homeschool
Are you wanting to homeschool high school but afraid you won't give your teen enough college preparation? This fear does not need to stop you! Read to see how you can be SURE you're doing enough to prepare your student for college.
Homeschool to College — Homegrown Learners
The Homeschool Journey to College - the first post in a series about our preparing a homeschooler for college.