
14 Pins
Savršeno uređen interijer
Dobar arhitekt zlata vrijedi. Puno je dobrih primjera koji potvrđuju ovu izjavu, a ako ste možda sumnjali svoje ćete mišljenje sigurno promijeniti kad pogledate ovaj interijer veličine 68 četvornih metara u Minsku u Bjelorusiji. I ako ćete možda pomisliti kakve mi imamo veze s Bjelorusima i njihovom estetikom, ali zapravo, vrlo su nam bliski. U ovom današnjem globalnom selu svi mi žudimo za istim stvarima i pratimo iste trendove. Stan koji vam u ovom članku želimo pokazati renoviran je za mla...
Holiday Home Tour: This Dreamy Space Proves That White Is Actually the Most Festive Color
Step Inside a Dreamy, Minimal Holiday Home | The Everygirl #minimalhomedecor #holidaydecor #holidayseason
Anthropologie Blog, Tips, and Advice
Remember way back in the beginning of 2017 when you were going to read so many books this year? If you followed through, congrats. But if you’re like us, maybe that particular resolution didn’t quite come true (see also: barre class). The good news? The year isn’t over just yet, and this is the perfect week to …
Your Official Guide to Noncheesy Christmas Decorations
These interiors are guaranteed to help you get into the holiday spirit, and inspire a few new decorating ideas of your own.
What a wonderful idea to decorate a votive with lavender...as the candle warms the votive, it helps to release the soothing scent of the lavender.