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Dutch Oven Braised Beef
Simplify your dinner routine with this easy one-pot Dutch Oven Braised Beef. Indulge in the rich, tender goodness of beef steak tips enveloped in a savory mushroom gravy. This comfort food classic is easy to make and perfect for those cozy nights.
Crock Pot Beef & Broccoli
Need a quick dinner idea? Skip the takeout and make this easy crock pot beef and broccoli recipe. Let it cook away, and soon you'll have tender, flavorful beef and broccoli in a homemade sesame soy sauce. Serve it over rice or noodles for a hassle-free, delicious meal!
4M views · 18K comments | Christmas Rump Roast with Gravy | By Cooking with Brenda Gantt | Good morning Facebook friends I thought we would start our Christmas menu today like I told you the other day we were going to do and so for Christmas this year we're gonna have a uh Rump Roast alright and so here's my little ticket that I've got from the Rump Roast and I want to tell you a little bit about that um it was $16.88 399 a pound and this is a four pound well it's about four and a half pound uh roast right here. So, it's gonna be plenty big for our family. So, if you want to buy the whole uh rump roast and you know, not having cut off of it, you could do that too but what I want to talk with you about, I'm gonna hold it up close where you could see it. Do you see how these uh the veins or the the part of the roast is going back and forth this way? Well, what you need to do is look at your roast and decide how you're gonna cut it when it comes out, okay? And so, you always wanna cut cross the and that makes it tender and easier to eat. So, when this, so I'm looking at this thing and I'm thinking well, how is this gonna be? So, what it is is that um I'm gonna cut it this way. When I take it out, I'm gonna cut it this way and that's gonna cut every one of these things into. So, I'm gonna cut it like this when I serve it. Uh back and forth and and one time I was making me uh uh a Reuben sandwich. So, I went to the deli and I bought me some of the uh corned beef. Yeah, the corned beef to to put in it with my sauerkraut and all that and I really want to pay attention to the little girl back there and she cut it with the grain and I am telling you when we made that sandwich, you couldn't eat it. You absolutely couldn't eat it. It was just awful. So, um the next time I went, she cut it right and we had a great Reuben sandwich but anyway, this is a ramp roast. You can cook whatever kind of roast you want to. A chuck roast is a real good one. Um just whatever you want. So, what I'm gonna do with mine is I'm gonna take my skillet right here. Let me turn you around just a little bit so you kinda see the stove too while we're doing this. There we go. That might work. Um I've got my square skillet out because I'm gonna turn this on. I'm gonna make sure it's my eyes on. And it is and I'm gonna put this right here and Imma put me just a little oil in the skillet. Not much, probably a fourth of a cup or something like that. Just a little bit. I'm gonna what I'm going to do is I'm going to almost like sear uh all sides of this roast and that way it's going to trap all the juices on the inside. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to uh pepper this and I'm gonna salt this and then I'm gonna turn it over on its other side and I'm gonna pepper it Now, I'm gonna salt it. And I'm also going to do it on this this part right here but put a little bit on that. You gotta kinda hold your roast up to do that way and do like that and then you take your hand and you rub all that in real good. Rub it in. Get all that salt and pepper into that roast real good. Now, remember, you gotta remember now which way you're gonna cut it when you take it out cuz you won't be able to tell. I'm gonna start at this point right here. Kinda looks like a hearts. I will start right there and cut mine. So, now, I've got some um what I've got in this bowl is some just plain uh black lily flour. It's the all purpose. I just wanna coat my roast on all the sides like this. I'm just gonna coat it. Cuz for Christmas, we're gonna have uh gravy with our roast and so I want this flour on there. I'm gonna use some of this to help make my gravy. That's exactly what I'm gonna do, okay? Alright, now I've got it all coated. So, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to lay this roast in this grease over here. And I'm going to fry the different sides of my cereal. Like that. I'm gonna turn it down a little bit now and I'm gonna sear that side and uh when I get ready to turn it over, I'm gonna I'm gonna get back with you. Alright, I've I've browned it on one side. So, I'm gonna use these two spoons to gently turn it over to the other side That side's seared. I'm gonna sear this side and each time I'm just gonna gently turn it over. Now, I'm not gonna use a fork to turn it over because I don't wanna stick any holes in it cuz I don't want any juice bit down, okay? So, this is what I'm doing. Just do it like this and it'll be fine. I'll be back in a minute. Alright, that side's brown. Take your spoon and we're gonna turn it over to this side. Let it stand up in there. Brown that side a little bit. We were just browning all the sides, okay? Okay. I think our first is ground on all the sides. I'm gonna take it. Oh, I forgot a side. Let me turn it over to this other side. I forgot this side over here. Let me stand here and hold this one just for a second and let this brown on this side. And then we're gonna put it in our plate and I'm gonna get it ready to go in the oven. I think that's probably sealed enough on that side. I'm gonna gently pick it up but I'm not gonna be using the pork. I don't wanna punch any holes in it. Alright, see that side is brown. Don't put it over here in my plate for a second til I get it ready to go in the oven. So right now, let me get an episode pan for my roast. Okay, this is the pan I'm gonna cook it in and if you've watched any of my videos a while back, remember that day, I cleaned that pan in front of y'all on that black skillet and I told you this is how you clean them. Well, this is that pan. So, I'm using it. This is the one. Remember, I got out of the bar and it had spider webs and all that kind of stuff on it and when I showed you how to clean it, we're gonna cook our big old Christmas roast in it today. This big rump roast. I'm gonna pick it up and I'm gonna put it in a pot right here. If you don't have a pot like this, it's okay. You just put yours in a smaller pot and and it needs to be covered. So, I put about uh I'd say an eighth of an inch, maybe a fourth of an inch in of water in the bottom of this pan and I'm going to put a top over it. If you don't have a top to fit on your pan, put some aluminum foil or whatever on it and I am going to cook this at 500 I've got my oven preheated to 500° and that's what we're gonna cook it on and I'll tell you how long in just a little bit, okay? Okay, y'all. The roast you know is in the oven cooked and so what I'm doing now is I'm taking the grease, you know, that I put in this skillet. To do the roast while ago, you know, to to sear it on all the sides and I put a half a stick of butter in in that the same grease and it's got all the good flavors from that roast, okay? All the good flavors. So, now I'm gonna add. I'm adding some plain flour to it. I would say that probably is about three tablespoons but here's how you judge whether it's enough or not. When you stir it around in here, let me turn it down just a little bit. When you stir it around in this like this. If it's too soupy like this is right here, you need a that means you need a little bit more flour. So, I'm gonna put just a little bit more. Some people use cornstarch to thicken their roux but I've always like flour to stick em, thicken mine. And so, this is you're just gonna go around like that. Take the back of your spatula and press down so that you don't have any knots in there and that is real smooth and turn it kinda low and uh let that let that cook in there. And this is how you make gravy and if anybody ever says to you, you need to make a roux. Well, this this right here, that is a roux. That's how Brenda get makes her roux. That's how I do mine. That's how I do it. I see I need a little bit more flour. Just have you some available. Alright, so all that's in here is the oil that I've seared my roast in and all those good roast flavors are in this and then I put a half a stick of butter in it and I'm stirring it around and I'm making a roux. Now, this is gonna make the gravy to go with our roast. You wanna kinda do this until I want my kind of uh uh medium brown color. So, that's what I'm doing right now. I'm just stirring it around to to get it medium brown color. Then, I'll show you what else. We're gonna do it to make our gravy. You know, there's all kinds of gravy y'all can make out there. You know, we made all of our different gravys for our breakfast and that kind of thing but you, there's just so many kinds. My mother used to make one that that she did a chicken gravy that was just delicious and when I fry um when my mother fried it, I do too. When we fry quail and squirrel or rabbit or deer or something like that, that gravy taste different. When this grape seed, it's brown. That's brown as I want. When that gets brown like that, I am going to add some water to it. I'm not gonna add to this or just some extra good flavor. I'm gonna add some beef pots. So, I'm gonna add one can of beef consonant. Water into the other top. Back to my spatula. Flowers down in there. This is gonna be some great gravy. That good roast, I'm telling you, it'll be delicious. My mommy used to make the best roast and we'd come home and she would have AA big old roast fixed. Some of the people down here in the south. Uh what they're doing is they uh go in to somebody else and they buy a steer cow. And feed it rain free, feed it, do all that kind of stuff to it and then when the time is right, they cow butchered and then one family takes half the cow and the other family takes half the cow. That's a good way to do it but if you live in the city and you can't do that, don't have any farmer that you know that can raise you a cow, then you've gotta do like me. You gotta go to the grocery store and buy it. Alright, I've got that in there. Now, I'm going to add some um dry onion soup mix. It comes in a box at the grocery store and I like this onion in it. It just makes it taste so good. So, I'm gonna add that. Now, I noticed I haven't added any salt or pepper yet at all and the reason for that is cuz we salted our roast beef when we seared it and this onion mix stuff. It has salt in it. It is a salt flavor and I imagine this does too. Let me see. It does too. So, all three of these have salted them. So, I'm not gonna salt it right now. I'm gonna do this. Alright, come over here and look just real quickly with me. At this. Do you see how this is thick? Well, we want it to cook a while. So, I'm going to add some more water to it because it's just too thick. And I want it to cook and if I don't add water, it can't all that onion soup mix can't the flavors can't get in there. So, I'm gonna add a little more water. If you add too much water, that's alright because it can cook down. Oh man, I can't wait. II tell you what, it'd be good to have this old biscuit with it. Oh, lordy. I'm enjoying reading y'all's comments. I am telling you, we got some smart followers out there. Y'all were giving me so many good ideas and I'm getting ideas from y'all and you're getting ideas from me and for all you people out there, I met the sweetest little old girl today. I don't know how long they've been married but anyway, she told me, she said, Brenda, miss Brenda, I just cannot cook. I can't cook. Well, y'all, it it don't be afraid of that kitchen. Don't be afraid of it. Get in there and cook you something good. Cook you something good. Y'all are inside anyway and you might as well learn to to cook. Make your time useful. Anyway, I'm gonna let this uh saute and cook and steam and that kind of thing for a little while and make sure it's good and then we're see how the bubbles are just barely coming up. I'm gonna turn it down and that just simmer right there and when that roast comes out, you're talking about good on a roasted to kinda cut your piece of roast and slather it around in that gravy. It's gonna be good. If y'all ever heard the word slather before, slather it with butter, slather it with gravy. Well, that as southern as it could be. It is so good and y'all are gonna love it and um so, you people that are following me in Australia, I can't I'm liking your comments. I'm liking your comments but I'd like to know how what y'all ate for Christmas. We're gonna eat a roast for Christmas. I like to know what you people in Australia eat for Christmas. Um do you all go back with the turkey? Do you have a hen? Uh do you have a ham? I'd like to know. So, let's share our recipes and uh share this fun that we're having together here on this wonderful Christmas holidays and um celebrating our savior's birth. It's just wonderful. So, we'll talk to you a little bit when the roast comes out. I'm gonna sit here and watch this gravy boil. Bye. Okay, the gravy is boiling. I'm gonna dip the spoon down in here and I'm going to taste it. And it's cooked for a while and I'm gonna taste this and see if we need any salt or pepper. You know, I told you don't dare put any in there until you you get kinda done with it so we'll know but let me taste this. Mmm. Y'all this is so good. Let me tell you. I just eat gravy for breakfast. Mmm mmm. It doesn't need any salt but I am going to add just a smidge and a pepper to it. I think that'll help the flavor tremendously. Even though it taste delicious, I just added probably a little teaspoon of pepper. I'm gonna stir that around. I'm gonna turn it real low now cuz I don't want it to. I'm just gonna let it do. If it starts getting too thick after a while, I'll let add a little more water but I don't think it's going to. I gotta turn down so low. Don't that look delicious? Oh my goodness. My. What a good crisp gravy we're gonna have. Y'all when that roast comes out of that oven and we slice it, we wanna pour something pretty over it to make it look crispy and wonderful. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut up an onion and I'm gonna saute that onion and these mushrooms right here and some butter and when the roast comes out, you can kinda after you get it sliced real pretty. Um crossed grain. Then, you just kinda pour that over the top of it. All these um sauteed vegetables and stuff and you could put other things in it if you wanted to. You could put um um some peppers and that kind of thing in there. Just whatever your family might like and that's gonna dress it up uh for Christmas and another thing it'll dress it up is some little uh green onions that just the tops of those little green onions. That would be pretty on there to give you some color or you can sprinkle some fresh parsley or um you could do rosemary, just whatever you would like in this. Rosemary is delicious cooked in uh butter. I do that. I do a rosemary bread that um it's it's so good with the butter and also what we're gonna do, I peeled my onion and I'm just gonna slice it up. And I'm going, I'm not gonna put it in little things. I'm gonna put it in skinny strips like this. I want it big. I mean, it's gonna be skinny but it's gonna be long. Get like spaghetti almost. Okay and put that in. This is gonna be so pretty. I love sauteed onions. Now, that is one of my favorite things. II know one time we were cooking a supper at church for our church family and um we thought well, I forgot when we had some kind of beef though that night and I thought, well, I'm gonna cook some sauteed onions. Well, you know, we cooked for uh you know, we cook, we're cooking for like 250 people. So, I bought, I don't know how many pounds of onions I bought. I imagine it it I mean it was a tremendous amount like ten pounds or something like that. We had these big skillets at church. You know, big old things. So, we put some butter in there. We sauteed those and we thought, well, they'll never eat all these. Well, let me tell you, they ate every single um onion that was sauteed. So, from on out. Well, we've served in sauteed onions all the time. So, what we're gonna do, we got our onions here. We're gonna put our um mushrooms in there. Mix em up a little and we're just gonna slowly saute these on the oven. I mean, on the stove top til they get nice and tender and then when the roast comes out, we're gonna put this over the top of it. Would that be pretty? And it'll be so good too. Okay, we'll wait on our roast to get done. I wish y'all could smell this. Do y'all see that good pot right there. Look at all those mushrooms and onions sauteing together in that butter. This would be good on top of anything. You can put it on top of chicken breast or whatever you wanted to put it on top of. It would taste delicious. Now, make sure you don't put any salt on that while you're sauteing it. That doesn't work. You have to, if you saute it, saute it later cuz the salt pulls the juices out of the vegetables and then all you'll have in there is water. Okay, y'all. Our um mushrooms and onions are sauteed enough and so I'm just gonna sit Imma what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sit them to the side. I'm gonna turn my eye off. I'm gonna just sit them over here out of the way and when the roast comes out, we get it sliced, then we'll put that on there but until then, we just got to sit around and smell it. Alright, it's time to check out this rump roast. I've got me a pretty platter and I'm going to and I warmed it too in the oven. I warmed it cuz we don't wanna put anything on em. Excuse me. A cold platter, do we? Alright and we've got I've been letting my roast just sit and uh you let it sit. Anyway, phone just ring. I've got to put it on airplane mode but anyway, here's our roast and remember what I told you about the pointy end and I think the pointed end was right here. You know, I told you to make note of it because sometimes it's hard when you cook a roast to find it to cut it cross grain but I think this is gonna be right. So, what I'm gonna do with mine is I'm gonna sit it on my chopping block right here. Let me put this out of the way. And I'm gonna hold it with a paper towel and I'm gonna cut it like this because I think this is with the grain right here. So, let me turn it around so it's good for me since I'm right handed and I'm just gonna uh cut it and put it on our platter. I'm gonna cut it real thin. Oh, it's cutting so tender. Oh, look at that y'all. I cooked it for exactly 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Now, if you want it on five hundred, if you want your done in the middle where you go right ahead but we wanted ours. I can tell that's cross grain and you can tell it too. See there? And that's good. It looks delicious. Mmm mmm mmm. And you put it on your platter real pretty and remember we had our mushrooms and our onions and everything. Let me, matter of fact, let me turn those back on. I wanna make sure they're good and hot before I put them on here. We want our platter to look pretty for Christmas, don't we? And you wanna make sure you got you a good sharp knife and slice it real thin like this. Cool. That was stupid. The connection goes red. Gonna be really good. And you know what I like? I like um I like cold roast beef sandwiches after you cook your roast. If you have any left for Christmas, I just like to get me some plain old white local bread. Like to put me some mayonnaise and I roast on it cold roast and salt and peppers. Okay, what I'm gonna do is take my spatula. Pick that up. Spread it out in my platter real pretty. I'll show y'all in a minute. Let me cuz I kept my chopping blocks too small. The It smells real good too y'all. Just don't overcook it. I don't think I overcooked mine. It looks delicious. I just saved that part. I'll hide it. The children were little, I used to welcome. Buy a little snacks and I tell them go hide that in your bedroom because your daddy will eat it if he finds it and they always laugh about it now about how we did. Okay, I've got that done. Let me show you. Let me wipe my hands off. Let me turn this around just let me Alright, so there's our roast beef, okay? Now, what I wanna do is take this little bit of this fine gravy that we made like this. I'm gonna stir it up a little bit. It's good and hot and I'm just gonna put a little bit right over the top Roast feet. Get juicy and pretty. And then the rest of it will go on our potatoes that we're gonna do. There we go and now, we've got this. Onions and mushrooms to go on the top but now what I'm going to do with this is I'm gonna put the mushrooms and the onions in a little pretty bowl cuz I got a bunch of children and so I'm gonna put these in a pretty little bowl and then the grown ups or whoever wants to get it can get it, okay? Y'all we're gonna have a merry Christmas this year. Even though we're inside, we may be by ourselves or whatever but we just, we're just gonna lift our spirits up and our souls up because Christ is the reason for it. Whether we've got anybody with us or not. He is the reason for the season. I love y'all. Talk to you tomorrow. Buh bye.